A Conversation with Myself: What is Perfection?
A Conversation with Myself
“What is perfection?”
“Well perfection is …. The best that something could be.”
“If something is in its perfected state. And cannot improve
not because it has no more improvement to take place but because it is in a
static state, is it still perfect?”
“Why not?”
“Because the fact that it is now static means it cannot move
to the best it can be.”
“But we established that this thing was indeed perfect.
So for all it knows it can move no further. So are you saying that nothing is
“So what are you saying?”
“If it was in its perfected state already and was static
like that, I guess it still would be perfect, but I think that everything can
always improve to be better.”
“Again, so are you saying that nothing is perfect?”
“I guess not.”
“Would you agree that it is the imperfect dynamic state of
things that make them perfect?”
“What is imperfection if perfection does not exist?”
“Imperfection is just … it is the short coming of something
that is trying to be perfect.”
“Which you believe is this impossible mission, right? So
would you agree that there is no such thing as imperfect?”
“There is such thing as imperfect?”
“But if perfection does not exist, then how can it have an
“So are you saying that everything is imperfect?”
“Almost everything.”
“What is not imperfect?”
I really like your idea about God is the only one who ie perfect. Some people my claim that they are perfect and you will found them lying. Which is imperfection.