Free Write: A Tribute to Nature

Why Child Why?

Watching the last of these days disappear
feeling the air get colder
seeing the world get darker.
Memories of lying on the grass
as day, night, then day past.

Child! Long before your birth,
alluring was the beauty of Mother Earth.
She bore living things of all kinds... plants and insects, animals and birds.
All, an exotic reflection of her biodiversity,
a diversity you have chosen to destroy!
Why... Child... Why?

Watching the last of these days disappear
Now, the warmth is gone,
the sunshine is gone,
away the world has turned
into black coal it has been burned.
Why... Child... Why?

Child! Onto the face of the earth you strolled in,
bringing up the rear in all her children.
You were meant to be the pride of all creation,
but you chose to be the bane of life by bringing desolation.
Why... Child... Why?

Watching the last of these days disappear
Timeless thoughts of a winter's stare;
eyes gazing over a landscape bare.
Memories drift on a blustery breeze;
dying light ushers in the freeze.

Child! You have an insatiable desire to acquire.
You plunder the earth with impunity,
Gold, oil, and iron you chase in disunity,
fighting even your own kind for control and quantity
Why... Child... Why?

Watching the last of these days disappear
Reaching out for a grasp on the present;
stillness sets in, alone, and desolate.
Future unknown, outcome uncertain;
brilliance un-shown by the drawn of a curtain.

Child! Have you forgotten,
all the consequences of your actions and inactions!
You leave the problems for tomorrow's generations,
running away from your present tribulation.
Why... Child... Why?

Watching the last of these days disappear
Shall she wither and fall like an autumn leaf,
from this deep sorrow - from this painful grief?
How can you go on or find a way to be strong?
When you are now lost and your mother gone?

Child! When will you repent your criminal ways?
When will you stop biting the hand
that longed your days?
When will you love mother earth
like she loves you...?

She looks upon her child with painful eyes
Sobbing, crying and asking you why...
Why... Child... Why?



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