Collaborate Learning

In my opinion, yes collaborative learning does support literacy. Collaborative learning is simply the idea of working with at least one other person in order to learn something new together.   Working together allows everyone to share their ideas or questions and allows for the input of others.  When discussing someone in the group can came up with a question or idea that the others did not think of, this may allow for a different perspective on the book.  Also having the students bounce off their thoughts and inquiries with each other it teaches them to be open minded about the opinions of others.  Likewise the students may have the same idea but might have different reasons.  On the other head collaborative learning can also spark a debate between students.  In which they would be practicing persuasive writing, stating their ideas and backing up their statements with support from the text.  Sharing ideas together can help the students understand the book better/ text or answers questions they may have had.   This idea of roles and working together to understand a concept is something that can be adapted and used in several different literature settings. I think that overall collaborative learning supports literacy because it encourages students to pay more attention to what they are reading. It encourages them to discuss and comprehend literature while coordinating thoughts and ideas with other group members. It allows them to see literature from different points of views based on their group discussions. Collaborative learning is a powerful tool that should be used in schools to help support literacy.


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