Future Reader's Workshop

In my future classroom, I envision reader's workshop consisting of all the following, a mini-lesson, a read-aloud (most likely in conjunction with mini-lesson), independent reading and conferring time, guided reading, response and reflection, and finally a sharing session. Through the mini-lessons for the reading workshops, I will teach concepts, strategies, and techniques for reading and comprehension while encouraging students to read and interact with good literature. The read-aloud will be an activity in which I will read a book aloud to the whole class, while modeling appropriate reading behaviors and reading strategies as I think aloud. By reading to them, I will also be modeling proper fluency, rhythm, and intonation. The independent reading will be the heart of the Reading Workshop. This is the time when the students will practice strategies modeled in the mini-lessons and practice reading. During this time I will confer with students or teach guided reading lessons or have small-group lessons on a specific strategy or skill. I will also do various assessments such as anecdotal notes on children's progress. After that the students will need opportunities to respond and reflect about what they are reading. Finally, the class regroups to discuss what they learned or did in their groups, such as which strategies they employed for reading.

For me, mini lessons play a very important role in Reader's Workshop. They allow the teacher to convey a tip or strategy to the students that they will use often. Sharing tips and strategies in this way allows students to gain valuable, relevant skills on a regular basis without spending too much time on drill and worksheets that are used to teach the same skills. The lessons can focus on any number of topics, including reading, writing, problem-solving strategies and skills, or even classroom procedures. 

In general, the mini lesson serves as a lead-in to a larger lesson in just about any subject area. It's a great teaching tool. 


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