Write About Writing
Writing about writing... where should I start? Writing is something that didn't always come naturally to me. It was always the thing that I would achieve slightly below expectations. Coming out of high school, writing was something that I learned to do very well, but very slowly. I couldn't write a coherent essay without taking about six hours. One of my hopes in going to college was to hammer writing skills into me so much that eventually it'd come naturally. But this was only academic and scientific writing. Other forms of writing such as poetry, narratives, and fictional novels always came naturally to me. I love writing poetry. I have a collection of over 20 authentic poems, some free verse, some haiku, some sonnets, and so on. I have also written 10 short stories and am in the middle of one of my best novels yet, with over 200,000 words.
On the other hand, my college dream did come true. I am now a fantastic academic and scientific writer, able to write a good 5 page essay in about 2 hours. Amazing!
I guess through my experiences, I would say that writing isn't something that can really be taught to someone by someone else. A passion for writing cannot be forced on someone. It is something that everyone must learn for themselves individually.As an individual, one must learn to express one's self through written language and learn to love it. But of course I love personal writing for fun better than I love academic writing, but then again, that's just me.
On the other hand, my college dream did come true. I am now a fantastic academic and scientific writer, able to write a good 5 page essay in about 2 hours. Amazing!
I guess through my experiences, I would say that writing isn't something that can really be taught to someone by someone else. A passion for writing cannot be forced on someone. It is something that everyone must learn for themselves individually.As an individual, one must learn to express one's self through written language and learn to love it. But of course I love personal writing for fun better than I love academic writing, but then again, that's just me.
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